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1. I wrote the title track “How Do You Feel” in Colorado during a time when I wondered if those closest to me would pick me up if I fell apart. Ever wonder who would be there if you really needed…
Welcome back. You belong here. Lately I’ve been realizing how I affect our family, either positively or negatively. When I’m stressed, upset or quiet, my wife feels it, our children see it and they get quiet or hold in their…
I’ve been going to church again lately and it’s been weird. The other day I sat next to a man who was eating Corn Nuts. I don’t like corn nuts, I don’t like the smell, the idea, the taste, nothing.…
Recently I was at an event and I felt awkward, like being on a first date. Remember that feeling? Do I fit in? Can I be myself? Am I trying to be something I’m not? I had that uncomfortable feeling…
Hello friends, This week I have felt weak and strong but I’ve been eating humble pie. Weak, because I don’t have a job, the one I had was not a great fit and so we parted ways. Strong because I…
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Welcome back, you belong here. I’m writing a paper on “Film, Religion and the problem of Evil in the World”, quick and easy topic I know. I’m not done with it yet, but the main idea I’m working from is…
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I was reading an article on Phil Jackson’s book “11 Rings: The Soul of Success” (great title, btw) where Phil compares MJ to Kobe, he writes: "He [Kobe] talked a good game, but he’d yet to experience the cold truth…