David Trigueros

[BLOG POST] How to be A High Achiever and Find Peace Within at the Same Time

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Part of being an achiever and success driven person is dealing with failure. This is typical INFJ - Enneagram 3w2 type. Discover your Ennegram type at https://www.enneagraminstitute.com. My greatest fear is to fail and not accomplish all that's inside of me, all the greatness and giftedness within. I know many feel the same w
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#199 Three Reasons Why Most People Are Not Truly Free

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In this Episode: Most people think they're free, but freedom is more than a weekend off, burgers and dogs. Freedom is more than going to church or having a job. Freedom comes from within, it comes from a genuine understanding of who you are, it ultimately comes from God. But how do you live in freedom when most people have lived their lives in fear most of their lives?
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#198 Is God Against Making Money? How to Navigate the Tension Between the Bible and Business

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In this Episode: I talk about my own experience with balancing ministry and my passion for business and helping people outside the church. What does the Bible say about making money, is God against it or should we follow our dreams and provide for our families. If so, how do we do that and still honor God
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[BLOG POST] Sing to Jesus [COVER] sung by Trig and Canela

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Fear might say, you might not get this job, but fear can paralyze you to think, you are worthless, you will never get a job ever for the rest of your life. The way to let fear not paralyze you is by using the 80/20 rule, 80% of fear is good, 20% is paralyzing, don’t switch the two and you will live.

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#196 How I Got Through My Dark Night of the Soul

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In this Episode: I talk about the nine years it took me to get through my dark night of the soul. It took nine years for God to get me through unemployment, feelings of failure, fear, anxiety and much more. I also share with you what helped me get through this desert and how God's presence, counselors, family and friends took me from living on Failure Street to living on GOZO Street and how you too can do the same!
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