David Trigueros

Crowder in the Studio

Welcome back. You belong here.So David Crowder ("Here is Our King", "Wholly Yours", "No One Like You"), is in the studio recording his next post "A/B Collision" CD. Yes, I like Crowder, do his songs in church, etc. He's posting…
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Crowder in the Studio

Welcome back. You belong here.So David Crowder ("Here is Our King", "Wholly Yours", "No One Like You"), is in the studio recording his next post "A/B Collision" CD. Yes, I like Crowder, do his songs in church, etc. He's posting…
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ALL Continuum John Mayer

Welcome back. You belong here.This is not me, nor is it John Mayer, it's John Mayer "for dummies".[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txKYvm8shqk]Have a great day.Into the future,davidT
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ALL Continuum John Mayer

Welcome back. You belong here.This is not me, nor is it John Mayer, it's John Mayer "for dummies".[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txKYvm8shqk]Have a great day.Into the future,davidT
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