David Trigueros

People Pleasing or Pleasing God

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Welcome back. You belong here.Yesterday, I wrote regarding handling criticism. I sent my post to a few friends. One of them wrote me back, she is a singer and wrote of her experience with similar issues. It was great."I struggle…
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On Criticism and Your Art/Music/Passion

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Welcome back. You belong here.This is a letter I recently sent to young worship leaders/creative types:"Ever been criticized on your art/music area of passion? On your creative outlet, your work? Yeah, me too. It hurts. How do you guys handle…
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I Love Collaboration

Welcome back. You belong here.One of the things I've discovered is that I enjoy collaboration. I vividly remember a few meetings when I first noticed this.I remember I had this "creative types" call out a few years ago. About 8-10…
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In the Name

Welcome back. You belong here.This morning my wife and I spent time doing Lectio on Psalm 143 and the verse "For Your Name's sake O GOD, give me life! In your justice, get me out of this trouble!" For me…
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I’m Tired of Social Media

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Welcome back. You belong here.I'm into social media, from the MySpace days to yesterday's Facebook and the current Twitter. I use my iPhone and TweetDeck to tweet and try to keep up with the latest apps out there. But I'm…
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