Welcome back. You belong here.In church circles, the term "the city" has a ring to it, it's a badge of honor. "I'm about the city", "I love my city", "God loves the city", "The poor live in the city", I…
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Welcome back. You belong here.The day before is usually worst than the day after. Tomorrow is my echo and although it should be fine it still makes me nervous. For years, whether CTScans, MRI's, ultrasounds, and a myriad of tests,…
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Welcome back. You belong here.First days of any time of rest are tough, so it was for me. It started with our 11 year old having four teeth extracted, tough girl, all for good reasons. The other two also had…
Comments Off on Sabbath Day#2 Puzzles and Handrails
Welcome back. You belong here.Day2 of my Sabbath week went great. Emailed my doctor about the meds for my heart palps not really working, he was out today. Echocardiogram scheduled for Thursday, all part of the process. These palps started…
Comments Off on Can I Change? Well, Something's Changing
Welcome back. You belong here.Today I laughed at myself in front of a thousand people. Usually, when things don't go as I planned them I go fetal. I don't do well with change, in fact, I hate change. For the…
Welcome back. You belong here.In counseling one of the things we talk about is "What is true" and opening myself up to God, letting him into my junk. The problem is that each time my life coach says that I…
Welcome back. You belong here.A guy walked into church today to meet with the pastor on call, me. He told me a tale of racism, how here in Denver people don't see many African Americans and that's why we don't…
Welcome back. You belong here.A challenge our family is facing is to focus our schedules around the things we value. Currently, we've got a lot of social justice, volunteering at school and family life things going and something has to…
Welcome back. You belong here.When I was a little boy in Nicaragua I remember "los borrachos". These were men from the neighborhood who were drunk outside our door. My dad would come home from work and instead of kicking them…
Welcome back. You belong here.Over the last two years I've processed and experienced a lot of new things, some tough (no friends, struggled with feeling accepted), some amazing (snow, fireplaces and easy access to many things). In all those things,…