David Trigueros

How Do You Speak of the Past?

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Welcome back. You belong here.I've been blogging through the process of leaving the traditional church to start an organic, simple, neighborhood faith community called Neighbors Abbey. See more here and here.I have a friend, who I've actually never spoken to…
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Church Planting as Faith

Welcome back. You belong here.I've been blogging through our journey from traditional church into an organic, city transformation type of faith community.A question I often get asked is "what are you doing?" The quick answer is: Looking for work, the…
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Where do Songs Come From?

Welcome back. You belong here.I'm no Paul McCartney but I'm a songwriter.I've been writing songs since I was about 17. I remember writing my first song during a boring class in high school (probably Algebra) which I promptly named "I…
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I Feel Challenged

Welcome back. You belong here.This will be short. I feel challenged. Challenged to shake this dust off of worry and fear and focus on God. Yes, times are tough, insurance will run out, our savings will dwindle, but where is…
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Our 1st CO garage sale was great. We learned that most people do them on Fridays instead Saturdays like we were used to. Also, we learned that most people are done by 12noon, as the weekend rush comes quickly. We…
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When moving to a new city and state, finding the right school is huge. When we went to the ice cream social at EL Foster Elementary and met Leigh the principal and her staff, we were hooked. We love Foster’s…
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