David Trigueros

[BLOG POST] Fall Leaves

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The young boys going up and down the sidewalk on their scooters, their helmets tightly fastened as mom surely said, all remind me that Fall is here. The memories of a terrible summer now clearly behind us, we look forward…
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Windows [BLOG POST]

I remember when they were little, nothing else mattered, just to be with them was enough for me. The sound of laughter, my wife running around making sure nobody fell off the ladders as they helped me paint the windows on a perfect summer day.
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#211 How To Develop Your Personal Philosophy for Life

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In this Episode: Do you know your personal philosophy for life? In other words, a set of values you live by that regardless of what others may say, clarify and convict you of what you should be doing with your life. In this episode I will help you find your personal philosophy for life.
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#209 How to Take Better Care of Yourself

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In this Episode: It seems our culture values exhaustion over rest. How do you take care of yourself amidst school, work, children and tiredness? Listen to the 7 Tips to Take Better Care of Yourself. If Jesus took time to be alone and do self-care, how much more should we?
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#208 The Woman Behind the Man

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In this Episode: My wife is the key to my success, behind every successful man, there is an amazing woman and vice versa. But what makes an amazing woman? What is the role of the man to make sure the relationship works and you can build your kingdom empire, purpose, calling or anointing?
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#207 How to Know and Do What Matters Most

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In this Episode: For the last five years, I've been thinking about what really matters to me. In my 20's and 30's everything mattered, but now in my 40's I have much more clarity in life and I want to share how I got to this place in case you want to do the same. 
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