#155 How Not to Fall OUT of Love
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How is it that one day you’re in love with your loved one, husband, wife, children or your job, even with God, and the next it’s all gone. People often say – I fell out of love.
But if you want to change that, there’s hope. God wants to help you recover what’s been lost, in Him there’s hope and forgiveness even for the greatest of mistakes.
But it’s up to you – here’s the question – do you want to make things right?
If so, in this episode I talk about 6 Steps to Help you Not Fall out of Love.
Thank you so much for listening, be sure to share this episode with your friends through word-of-mouth and don’t forget to follow me on snapchat at davidtrigla
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Have a great rest of this day,
Your #GOZO! friend,
GOZO means JOY in Spanish – Psalm 30:6