#111 How to Make Every Day Special [PODCAST]
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Most people wake up every day feeling not so good about their day – traffic, meetings, unemployment, illness can bring even the best person down.
But imagine if you could make every day special like a SURPRISE PARTY, imagine if you could have the perspective to see each day as a gift from God.
In this episode of the Trig Podcast of JOY I talk about Four Tips to Make Every Day Special.
They are:
1. Cry out to God
2. Put God first in your life
3. Worship God all day
4. Submit Your day to the Lord
My life has been changed by these principles, that’s why the Psalmist can say
in Psalm 118 “This is the DAY that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it”
Thank you for listening,
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Your #GOZO! friend,
GOZO means JOY in Spanish (Psalm 30:6)