Comments Off on #237 SPANISH – Como Vencer a Los Demonios
In this Episode: SPANISH - Hace poco alguien me escribió este email anónimo:
Por favor ora por mi amigo, el está teniendo pesadillas recurrentes del mismo demonio. Le asusta tanto, el tiene miedo de quedarse dormido. Por favor oren por paz y protección. Gracias.
Que podemos hacer? Aqui te doy tres pasos para orar por los demonios:
Comments Off on #236 SPANISH – Que Hacer Cuando Te Sientes Lejos de Dios
In this Episode: SPANISH - Que Hacer Cuando Te Sientes Lejos de Dios? Mucha gente vive ayudando en las iglesias pero lejos de Dios, otros creen que estar en las fiestas es libertad pero viven encadenados al dolor. Que hacer?
Comments Off on #234 The Number One Reason Why People's Lives are a Mess
In this Episode: Have you noticed the mess most people seem to live in? In this episode I give you the main reason why that is and what to do about it.
Comments Off on #231 How to Get What You Want Out of Life
In this Episode: Yesterday we had family council with our three teens. I wanted to talk to them about how to stay focused on what they want out of life. Here is what I told them:
Comments Off on #230 Why and How I Help Gifted, Creative, Compassionate People Make Money
In this Episode: I believe God has created me to pastor and create wealth for others. How do I do that and what are the obstacles most people face when wanting to be financially free?
Comments Off on #228 What to Do If You're Tired of Waiting on God
What to Do If You're Tired of Waiting on God #trigpodcastofJOY! SHARE this video, want to help me? Leave a COMMENT below, this way we beat Facebook at it's own game. Facebook only shows videos with 10-12 comments. You can write "hello, buenos diás, how are you, good morning" anything helps. Thank you!