David Trigueros

Communication is Big Need at Local School

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Welcome back. You belong here.Last night we had a meeting at the elementary school where our three children attend. After a lengthy conversation on communication where parents expressed their concerns over the poor communication between students and teachers, I knew…
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Upward Movement

Welcome back. You belong here.There are two areas of upward movement I'd like to see in the future. Two areas I have a passion for, combined with my core calling: music/mentorship/mission. They are:1. Spiritual Formation and2. Communication/Collaboration and Innovation -…
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Snow is Coming

Welcome back. You belong here.This is the part of living in Denver, CO that I don't like. Snow and cold over the next 2-3 days. No!!Currently36.5 °FRain Light SnowHumidity: 93%Wind: CalmVisibility: 5.0 milesDew Point: 35 °FPrecipitation: 60% chance of rainAir…
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My Three Loves

Welcome back. You belong here.In case you're wondering, there are thee things I love (professionally), they are my 3 M's:1. Music2. Mentorship3. MissionThere's a fourth which is not an M - Communication, Innovation and Collaboration.My other loves are my wife,…
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Held Up Google Docs and iPhone

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Welcome back. You belong here.Today at staff meeting we talked about communication and Google Calendars. My great moment came when I help up my laptop (I magnified it to 300%) showing my Google Docs to the whole staff. I got…
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To Do

Welcome back. You belong here.I've never felt so excited about the events I'm involved in both inside and outside the church. But some weeks, the to do list gets long, especially post-Easter. I'm feeling a bit stressed. Here's the list:…
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Artists and Change

Welcome back. You belong here.Today I spoke to a friend who's a painter. She has been involved in Art events in Arvada, CO but has found them lacking. I told her I agree, it's a problem I've seen at the…
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