David Trigueros

My First EP

Welcome back. You belong here.As I've mentioned here before, I just released my new EP "Spring of My Soul". I've setup a Facebook page here where  you can listen and purchase the songs. I've also included a link to a…
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How and When did Missional, Kingdom, Postmodernity, Emergent, Formation, Justice Happen for me

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Welcome back. You belong here.I'm not going to label myself as missional, that's too narrow a definition. I do believe missional gifts have always been in me but so have other things. Music, formation, justice and others. The social justice…
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The Signs are Everywhere

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Welcome back. You belong here.I'm blogging through our transition from traditional church to missional bivocational living. This week has had it all, sadness and anxiety to moments of pure joy.Today at yoga, our guide led us through a brief meditation exercise.…
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Soundcloud, MySpace, etc

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Welcome back. You belong here. Where to post your music? That's a big question. I have my music on myspace.com/dtrigueros as well as Sound Cloud. Some say Myspace is dead but I like their option to BUY music. Soundcloud doesn't…
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Rediscover My Life

Welcome back. You belong here.City Manager, Priest, Mayor, Nadia, Villaraigosa, Obando y Bravo, MA Religious Studies Boulder, MPA Denver, music, always music, lover of God, always lover of God, Emergent, Missional, one with my wife and children, always one.The sky…
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Gift of Time

Welcome back. You belong here. It's been a while, thanks for being here. These last two weeks were my official gift of time, a time to think and pray about the future. Had a great time. Changes coming. See you…
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