David Trigueros

We moved to CO from Long Beach, CA three years ago. I’m blogging through the changes we went through, the things we miss, the things we enjoy about being here. It’s been great. First things first: License Plates. Our children…
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A Great Time at Family Council

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Welcome back. You belong here.One of our great family traditions is Family Council, Sundays at five. The idea is to sit together as a family, express our feelings, ask questions, listen to each other and then eat ice cream! It's…
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I Love My New Church

Welcome back. You belong here.Just got back from a kid party and I loved it. What I loved was talking to the parents, people we've known for three years through school, people with very little pretense. True, we perhaps don't…
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For Lent I'm Giving Up: Anxiety

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Welcome back. You belong here.YOU CAN ALSO LISTEN TO OUR ASH WEDNESDAY PODCAST AT:Neighbors Abbey Denver Podcast - Ash Wednesday.Today is Ash Wednesday and I had another Holy Visitation, the first one is here.  Yesterday I woke up thinking about the…
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Wild Swings

Welcome back. You belong here.Panic Attack SupportWell, the last two weeks I've experienced some wild mood swings from times of amazing joy and opportunity to some real lows.It all hit me last night as I had one of my worst…
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Jelly Beans for Everyone

Welcome back. You belong here.I'm blogging through the transition from institutional church to a hybrid model of community impact and spiritual formation - a Neighbors Abbey.I look forward to the day when we begin to gather with people at our…
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