Comments Off on #246 How Not to Give Away Your Power | davidTrig
In this Episode: As immigrants, women or minorities it is easy to give away your power to someone else, especially those in power. How do you avoid this problem and live in your true calling?
Comments Off on #245 How to Avoid Negative People | davidTrig
In this Episode: How do you find your true calling in life? And if you're stuck in a dead end job or unemployed, how do you risk it all without losing control? Here's what's helped me along my journey.
Comments Off on #244 How to Find Your True Calling in Life | davidTrig
In this Episode: How do you find your true calling in life? And if you're stuck in a dead end job or unemployed, how do you risk it all without losing control? Here's what's helped me along my journey.
Comments Off on #243 How to Deal with Difficult People | davidTrig
In this Episode: Do you know that you matter or do you think you matter only if you accomplish certain things? How do you learn never to give up even when you feel alone and insecure? Here are some tips:
In this Episode: Do you know that you matter or do you think you matter only if you accomplish certain things? How do you learn never to give up even when you feel alone and insecure? Here are some tips:
In this Episode: How do you decide what career to go into? If you're already in a career or unemployed, how do you determine if you're doing the right thing. Besides income, how do you make sure you are satisfied at work?
Comments Off on #239 Why Loving Your Enemies is So Difficult and Hate is So Easy
In this Episode: Have you noticed how it's so easy to hate someone? Even though we all say we love everyone, what about that neighbor, that ex, that boss you can't stand? Jesus said, love those you hate, here are some tips on how to do that.
Comments Off on #237 SPANISH – Como Vencer a Los Demonios
In this Episode: SPANISH - Hace poco alguien me escribió este email anónimo:
Por favor ora por mi amigo, el está teniendo pesadillas recurrentes del mismo demonio. Le asusta tanto, el tiene miedo de quedarse dormido. Por favor oren por paz y protección. Gracias.
Que podemos hacer? Aqui te doy tres pasos para orar por los demonios: