David Trigueros

What’s the Image About?

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Welcome back. You belong here.Perhaps you're wondering what the new header is about, in case you can't see it, it's new. The image is from Nicaragua, it's the statue of "Miskito Indian" in the middle of the street in front…
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What’s the Image About?

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Welcome back. You belong here.Perhaps you're wondering what the new header is about, in case you can't see it, it's new. The image is from Nicaragua, it's the statue of "Miskito Indian" in the middle of the street in front…
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How’s My Marriage

Welcome back. You belong here.While away this last weekend at our retreat of silence and meditation, the four of us pastors spoke about our marriages and how we're doing. Very real stuff. Pastors aren't exempt as many of you know,…
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How’s My Marriage

Welcome back. You belong here.While away this last weekend at our retreat of silence and meditation, the four of us pastors spoke about our marriages and how we're doing. Very real stuff. Pastors aren't exempt as many of you know,…
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Spring of My Soul

Welcome back. It's been a while. You still belong here, and so do I.The name of this blog is Spring of My Soul. I still like that name. It's still what's happening in my life. The title came from reading…
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Spring of My Soul

Welcome back. It's been a while. You still belong here, and so do I.The name of this blog is Spring of My Soul. I still like that name. It's still what's happening in my life. The title came from reading…
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