[BLOG POST] Summer Reflections – Do What Matters Most
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During time away from the routine, it’s easy to go-go-go and never truly reflect. But lately, I’ve been reflecting more on what really matters to me and here’s what I’m learning (perhaps these can help you too):
#1 ALL TALK and no action means nothing. It doesn’t matter what I say, what matters is what I DO. Everyone is watching what you do, not what you say you do.
#2 MY MARRIAGE IS #1. Rachelle is my priority, there are many, many tensions in life – work, career, passions, dreams, but if I put Rachelle #1 in my life, knowing her love languages and doing what SHE loves, everything will fall into place.
#4 SAY I’M SORRY. Every morning Rachelle and I spend 30-40 minutes talking and praying and often I say I’m sorry because, honestly, I need to. Whether it’s things I’ve said or done, true love means you realize when you’re wrong.
and lastly,
#5 MORE JESUS. There are many things that all of us do in life including work, family, church and for me actually working at a church, but none of that matters if your heart is empty. JESUS is the gas to my tank, he is the one that fills my soul, nothing else matters, not social media, not followers, not preaching or leading projects. What matters most is a vital and intimate relationship with the one that saved me and is trustworthy – The Lord Jesus Christ.
Each of these values need practical HOW-TO’s, so I’ve put together a list here below.
Now, before I go into my list here’s something I recommend, be sure to make POSITIVE statements (not negative ones) of your goals. I’ve learned that if I say, I won’t eat ice cream from 9-10pm, my brain will focus on what it doesn’t have.
But instead if I say, I will write from 9-10pm (and not eat ice cream), my brain will focus on the positive.
So with that said, here are my practical steps:
- Leave my phone outside and write. I sleep with my phone (don’t worry, I also sleep with my wife!) but this has been a bad habit that’s distracting me. So over time (I know it’ll be a struggle), I will leave my phone outside our bedroom from 10pm-6am and write.
- Listen to more worship music and less podcasts. I love podcasts but I’m realizing that I wake up to them, go to bed to them and that’s putting my mind on this world versus on Jesus. Again, this will be tough, but from 7-8am I will start listening to Fernando Ortega, David Crowder, John Michael Talbot, all my favorite old school worship leaders and say no to Gary V!
- Limit Social Media. This is a big one because it’s everywhere, but I’ve realized I don’t need social media as much as I think I do, especially before and after work. So I will podcast twice a week (instead of 4-5x’s) and do more audio podcasts versus LIVE because audio is simpler and requires less time.
- Read JOB and learn that God is Truly Trustworthy. As I mentioned in my previous post, I struggle knowing God is Trustworthy, but recently I had a break through. Now, in order to stay in that breakthrough, I need to meditate on what got me here which is JOB, so for the rest of the summer I will meditate on Job.
- Write On Mondays. As I said earlier, I love to write, it’s something I do naturally but I’ve largely neglected. Mondays from 7-8pm (1 hour), will be a great time to write instead of podcasting. This is probably the thing I’m most excited about!
So what have been your summer reflections so far?
Thank you for reading,
Who is David Trigueros (Trig)?
I have been married 22 years to my beautiful wife Rachelle! We have three amazing teens, one is a top model and successful entrepreneur. I’m a pastor, speaker and content creator. In 2013, I recorded my own CD of original songs, then in 2014 I wrote an e-Book called “How to live an Anxiety Free Summer” and an article called “High Anxiety” for Leadership Online.
But it has not always been easy…
I grew up far from home, dealt with fear and anxiety, went through a terrible war, was unemployed for nearly a year and have felt fearful and insecure.
But through grace, love and discovering my God-given adventure I have achieved everything I want in life. Now I’m here to help you achieve GOZO and succeed in life!
So In 2010 I started my own media company called #GOZOtv! with thousands of views online. l love my job and now I get to do what I was created for, now I feel like I’m living on GOZO street! (GOZO btw, means JOY!)
Subscribe to my podcast at lifeofgozo.com/podcast. Follow me on Instagram @davidtrig, Snapchat @davidtrig and Facebook at davidtrigtv
Your #GOZO! friend,
Psalm 30:6 – GOZO means JOY!
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