[SPANISH] Tu Matrimonio Necesita Una Vision Unida, Sino Todo Se Te Va a Caer #vidaGOZO!
Who is David Trig?
Married 22 years to my beautiful wife
3 successful teens, one is a top model and successful entrepreneur
Recorded my own CD of original songs
Wrote an e-Book called “How to live an anxiety free summer” and High Anxiety in Leadership Online
Started my own successful media channel!
l love my career, doing what I was created to do
I have everything I need – house, kids, car, family, love!
But it has not always been this way
grew up far from home
dealt with a war, anxiety, been unemployed, fear, insecurity
But through faith, love and adventure I have achieved everything I want in life
Now I’m here to help you achieve greatness and succeed in life!
Thanks for being here!
Your #GOZO! friend,
To listen to my daily podcast please go to iTunes here.
Follow me on Instagram @davidtrig
Follow my snapchat story @davidtrigla
Watch me LIVE on Facebook at facebook.com/davidtrigtv