#149 What To Do When God Seems Absent
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We all long to see God in our lives, to see him in the beauty of a sunset, to know him in the smile of a baby, to feel him in the touch of the one we love. But today you may feel like you don’t hear from God anymore, the worship songs don’t touch you as they used to, the people in your life don’t seem to fill you as they once did.
God wants you to know that he has not forgotten you, he’s with you even when you can’t hear him, even when he seems distant, he’s right here with you right now. So how do you hear God when he seems far away?
First, get rid of your past. Your past is getting the best of you and is getting in the way of God.
Your past are those things that have become idols in your life, that bad relationship that ended that you’re still hanging on to, that financial struggle you endured but you’re still making the same financial decisions, the depression you suffered from, but you keep hanging out with depressing people. Get rid of the idols in your life and focus on God’s presence.
And second, focus on the life found in Jesus. Too many times you don’t see God because you’re expecting a brand new sign, a new job that proves God is good, a new relationship that shows you God cares, an election that goes your way.
Focus on God’s love for you not on what he does or doesn’t do.
When you focus on the fact that Jesus is alive, that He has given you new life, that he has provided everything you’ve ever needed, you will see God once again. That’s the kind of past worth remembering. I love what Acts 16 says — For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: To an Unknown God. Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you.
The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’
Today, stop looking for God in all the wrong places, forget your past, surrender your idols to Him and focus on the new life found in Jesus, then you will experience a life of #GOZO!
Thank you so much for listening, be sure to share this episode with your friends through word-of-mouth and don’t forget to follow me on snapchat at davidtrigla
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Have a great rest of this day,
Your #GOZO! friend,
GOZO means JOY in Spanish – Psalm 30:6