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#28 Christy Joy – How to Have Joy When Planning a Wedding [AUDIO] #GO! #GOZO!

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Planning a wedding can be stresful and expensive. In this episode, Christy Joy, Founder of “Something Borrowed – Fighting for your marriage before it begins” gives us amazing tips on how to use eBay, Amazon and Pinterest in order to save money.
Why did Christy Joy start her own business?
She said:
“I started Something Borrowed for the person who was rejected because I was one, rejected. I love the rejected, those that feel forgotten and feel they have to manipulate their way through this world”
“I want to teach them a different way, rather than try to make something happen all the time, I want them just to receive, because God wants to give you so much more.”
Christy Joy’s Links: in Denver, CO
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The purpose of the Trig Podcast of Joy and #GOZOtv is to help every day people, creative types, entrepreneurs and faith leaders find GOZO (GOZO means JOY in Spanish) in everyday life inspite of
– fear
– anxiety and
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Most of all, be encouraged and filled with JOY
Have a great rest of the day and I will see you next time!