#21 Ten Ways to Gain Perspective When You're Down [VIDEO] #GO! #GOZO!
How do we maintain perspective when we feel low or experience trials? Here are ten ways we tend to lose perspective and ten ways that can help us gain perspective
Loss of perspective comes down to running away:
1. Running away from people
2. Running away from the things that motivate you
3. Running away from the things you love to do
4. Running away from doing the right thing
5. Running away from doing the tough things
6. Running away from seeking God
7. Running away from reading
8. Running away from creating and creativity
9. Running away from your calling
10. Running away from what you love
Want to gain perspective? Take each one of these and reverse them over and over and over and over again
1. Run towards people
2. Run towards the things that motivate you
3. Run towards the things you love to do
4. Run towards doing the right thing
5. Run towards doing the tough things
6. Run towards seeking God
7. Run towards reading
8. Run towards creating, creation
9. Run towards your calling
10. Run towards what you love
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