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Sabbath Day#4 and 5 Echo, Yoga and New Songs

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Welcome back. You belong here.

Days 4 and 5 of my Sabbath week have been amazing, got through the echocardiogram (no results yet), but hoping for the best. The test was simple, about 30mns, I spoke to the tech the whole time to relax, she was from North Dakota. Waiting for the results has been a combination of nerves and just living life. Everyone tells me I’m fine, so I’m starting to believe it although the palps persist.

Then that night a song came to me about “conversations with God” called “I’ve Said It All This Time”. The song came from my morning meditations. It talks about talking to God about some important things we have never talked about. It was a very sincere, introspective song about my relationship with God and my childhood.

I could write about that song for days…

Today Friday the same thing happened. While at Yoga I heard an audible voice say “Just a few more months papi”, it was strange. Again, I could write on that line for months.

As I tried to follow Wendy’s cues, our Yoga instructor, I began to cry and got lost in the moment. I took a pose on the floor (I forget the name of it, pigeon?) and kept crying as quiet as I could in a room full of people at the YMCA, weird.

God’s presence was obvious, his audible voice was right there with me. I knew exactly what He meant. So I went home and wrote another song called “Just A Few More Hours”…it sounds better than “Just a Few More Months Papi”.

Both songs (1st takes) are posted on my music blog here. I will post the final products later. Let me know if you heard the songs.

Have a great day.

Into the future,
