The Launch Went Great, Now the Work Begins
Welcome back. You belong here.
The launch of our Communication, Innovation, Collaboration (CIC or KICK) team went amazing, now the real work begins. The four members of our team presented, and we debuted The Rack, our communication site.
During our Q&A people asked three common questions:
1. Will this mean more meetings?
2. How will this benefit my department?
3. What about the admin assistants, what is our role?
Over the next few weeks, we will follow up with everyone at our launch (about 12 people) to answer their questions and help them apply these principles to their areas.
Our KICK Team, which is the four of us at the helm of this process of Innovation, Collaboration and Communication are continuing to discuss our new roles, our next steps and starting on our first project: August Agenda.
Our three major projects are:
1. Human Trafficking Sunday
2. Launch of Elijah Series called “Braveheart”
3. Free Zone Services Sunday
Have a great day.
Into the future,