No Snow
Welcome back. You belong here.
It’s supposed to snow today, but nothing yet.
I’d like to run a 5K on Thanksgiving next year, but I need to get in better shape.
I ran a 5K a few years ago. I ran pretty fast and got a t-shirt.
I’m not a big football fan, if the Lakers were on (as for Christmas Day), I’d be all over it, or Beckham, Dodgers or if John Mayer was in concert (which I think he will be later tonight).
I like concerts, conversation, pubs, relationship and sports.
I like exercise, music and technology.
I like being home.
I like going out with a few close friends.
I like guitars, guitars and more guitars.
Amps and pedals are great too.
I like all things Mac.
I like helping people in need.
Yesterday, a few us went to an HIV/AIDS clinic in Denver to help. We served food, moved furniture around, cleaned up the food warehouse.
A few days ago, we put together a Thanksgiving food box with our church and gave it to Maria and Miguel, parents from EL Foster (our children’s school). They have three children and Miguel just came back from Louisiana where he went to look for work but no luck. It was a very moving experience, especially because they are a family we know and see at school every day.
Last night I played music and it was average, people were sick.
There’s a song called “Dance for You” that I’ve been singing around the house:
“Jesus, quiet my heart/Help me let go/’Cause I want to dance for you/I want to dance for you/You are My King/.
I need to quiet down and let go. I want to sing, live for God for the rest of my life.
We’re getting ready to go have dinner with our friends. Better go get ready.
Have a great day,
Into the future,