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It’s a Beautiful Day, Yet Real

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Today has been a very beautiful day for me. I feel happy inside. What’s causing such bliss?

1. Listening to “You Are Holy” by Nordemann (my wife’s cd)
2. My wife loves to worship to this CD during the day which makes me tear up thinking how lucky I am to be married to a woman who worships
3. My wife and I are painting the ceilings together and it’s going well (living room done). More today (kitchen, bedroom)
4. Children are happy. Yesterday they were playing “horsey” around the house which means little David (4) is in the front as the horse, poor kid, Isabela (6) is in the middle with a scarf around David’s neck, and Canela (8) is in the back grabbing on to Isabela’s hood. It’s so fun to see them go.
5. Finalizing details on our next steps. Asking God for wisdom.
6. Writing songs, lyrics, writing on the piano, very creative time for me right now.

It’s a good day. A day of work and tears, laughter and trusting God for tomorrow. Sometimes I can find God really easy in the dark nights, but I think I need to find God in the Sabbath rest as well, in the “great is thy faithfulness” days as well as in the “Lord, where are you” days. I’ve had both recently and both are great, in fact I think that although much more challenging, the nearness and kindness of Jesus in the dark nights is much sweeter.

UPDATE: My friend Susie’s husband Larry fell off a ladder sometime this week and cracked his skull open and has internal bleeding. He’s at UCI Medical center right now and they may have to go in and do surgery. Susie sang with me for 10 years at Bethany and is a dear friend.

God is faithful.

Have a great day,

Into the future,
