I'm beginning to write out a chapter in my story. Chapter 1 is called Flowers. Chapter 1 is not done, nor is it necessarily the first chapter of the 'book', but it's what came to mind today and it just…
Read this in light of the Jesus Map and the comments you're hearing from your unchurched Democratic California, Kerry voting friends...wow. McLaren gets a lot of things right: A Generous Orthodoxy....an interview with Brian McLaren: "Next-Wave: In the book you…
I'm beginning to write out a chapter in my story. Chapter 1 is called Flowers. Chapter 1 is not done, nor is it necessarily the first chapter of the 'book', but it's what came to mind today and it just…
In a very honest post, "i took the red pill" blogs about her experience not entering community because she enjoyed her pastor so much. Now that he's leaving, she's going to stop going to church. It seems as if "i…
In a very honest post, "i took the red pill" blogs about her experience not entering community because she enjoyed her pastor so much. Now that he's leaving, she's going to stop going to church. It seems as if "i…
Today our family went to Riley's Farm to pick apples. It's a place near Redlands if you know the area. Everything went well except for an injury. Isabela, our 3 year old got rammed by a goat. The thing scratched…
Today our family went to Riley's Farm to pick apples. It's a place near Redlands if you know the area. Everything went well except for an injury. Isabela, our 3 year old got rammed by a goat. The thing scratched…
Reading "Refining Your Teaching Style", a book on the different approaches to preaching - story telling (Max Lucado), revolutionary (McManus), artist (Rob Bell, Trotter) and others, I am none of them 100%, but I am closest to the story-telling style.…
Reading "Refining Your Teaching Style", a book on the different approaches to preaching - story telling (Max Lucado), revolutionary (McManus), artist (Rob Bell, Trotter) and others, I am none of them 100%, but I am closest to the story-telling style.…