David Trigueros

Can You Say Video Tape?

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You've obviously seen the images from the Detroit-Indiana game tonight (if not, you will soon...) What were they thinking? It's all on video. Expect major fines, suspensions, criminal charges for both players and fans. Can you say too much beer?…
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Can You Say Video Tape?

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You've obviously seen the images from the Detroit-Indiana game tonight (if not, you will soon...) What were they thinking? It's all on video. Expect major fines, suspensions, criminal charges for both players and fans. Can you say too much beer?…
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Ahora Quiero A Tres

I remember having such an overwhelming love for our first born. I now love her even more. Before our second was born I worried, how can I love the same way again? Then our third came. What happened is my…
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Less Time Online

I find that I'm spendling less time online. Read Blogs/NewsReader, 3-5mns (daily) Blogging, 20mns (daily) Check/Answer Emails, 5-7mns (daily) Buy music, etc, 5-10mns (1x/week) Miscellaneous, 3-5mns (daily) Total=about 45-50 mns (less than 1 hr a day) That's it. I'm done.
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Ahora Quiero A Tres

I remember having such an overwhelming love for our first born. I now love her even more. Before our second was born I worried, how can I love the same way again? Then our third came. What happened is my…
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Less Time Online

I find that I'm spendling less time online. Read Blogs/NewsReader, 3-5mns (daily) Blogging, 20mns (daily) Check/Answer Emails, 5-7mns (daily) Buy music, etc, 5-10mns (1x/week) Miscellaneous, 3-5mns (daily) Total=about 45-50 mns (less than 1 hr a day) That's it. I'm done.
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Final Inspection Today

We're waiting for the inspector to do the final inspection today. If there are no more corrections, he had 5-6 of them last time he came (mostly minor stuff), we should have a clear and our home remodel would pass…
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Final Inspection Today

We're waiting for the inspector to do the final inspection today. If there are no more corrections, he had 5-6 of them last time he came (mostly minor stuff), we should have a clear and our home remodel would pass…
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