David Trigueros

Barna Update – Help me Grow

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Arghhh...these reports frustrate me more than anything. There's so much info and I don't know how to interpret them for our context. Small church, big church, new believers, old believers, young, old, etc. One thing that makes sense is that…
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Amazing Trip

Got home from San Clemente, CA, wow, what a beautiful place. God met me there, I met Him there, etc. Got home and spoke to friends we hadn't seen in a while. Lots there during the trip. Wrote a lot,…
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Amazing Trip

Got home from San Clemente, CA, wow, what a beautiful place. God met me there, I met Him there, etc. Got home and spoke to friends we hadn't seen in a while. Lots there during the trip. Wrote a lot,…
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Please Just Tell Me

Rant: Why do bloggers link with words such as 'this' or 'here' instead of the site name? Ex: "I guess everyone is doing their Christmas shopping here...." Don't do a a link to 'here' just tell me what 'here' is.…
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Please Just Tell Me

Rant: Why do bloggers link with words such as 'this' or 'here' instead of the site name? Ex: "I guess everyone is doing their Christmas shopping here...." Don't do a a link to 'here' just tell me what 'here' is.…
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The Calm Before the…

Nice day. Arms and shoulders this AM at 8am, 200 crunches, feel ready to enjoy the afternoon. Playing with the children, while Rachelle gets ready to go. We'll leave here around 1pm to Suzanne's place (R's sister) 10 mns. away…
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The Calm Before the…

Nice day. Arms and shoulders this AM at 8am, 200 crunches, feel ready to enjoy the afternoon. Playing with the children, while Rachelle gets ready to go. We'll leave here around 1pm to Suzanne's place (R's sister) 10 mns. away…
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