David Trigueros

Funeral Info

Amanda Morales Funeral Service When: Friday, January 7th, 2005 11am, East Side Christian Church, 668 Obispo Ave. Long Beach, 90814 12:30pm, Cemetery, Forest Lawn Cypress 1:30pm, Luncheon back at East Side Christian Church Directions to East Side Christian Church From…
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Funeral Info

Amanda Morales Funeral Service When: Friday, January 7th, 2005 11am, East Side Christian Church, 668 Obispo Ave. Long Beach, 90814 12:30pm, Cemetery, Forest Lawn Cypress 1:30pm, Luncheon back at East Side Christian Church Directions to East Side Christian Church From…
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It is Over

Gramma died peacefully tonight at 6:15pm and is now in the presence of the Lord free of pain. The Lord gave us gramma, the Lord has taken her away, "blessed be the Name of the Lord." (Job 1) We took…
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It is Over

Gramma died peacefully tonight at 6:15pm and is now in the presence of the Lord free of pain. The Lord gave us gramma, the Lord has taken her away, "blessed be the Name of the Lord." (Job 1) We took…
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