David Trigueros

Bought a Plant Today

Today I bought a plant. It's for the Artist's getaway this weekend. I will do a talk on Psalm 1, "You shall be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water..." How do we become this kind of tree/plant?…
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9.5 Theses on Worship

9.5 Theses on Worship does a good job here with issues related to worship in the Church - theology, WE songs, amplification, lifestyle and more. Some issues are overstated, such as the one on technology and amplification, but most are…
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9.5 Theses on Worship

9.5 Theses on Worship does a good job here with issues related to worship in the Church - theology, WE songs, amplification, lifestyle and more. Some issues are overstated, such as the one on technology and amplification, but most are…
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Jesus Wept

Trying to find comfort in this place of sadness, Truth, friends, loss and love. This is about Love not Death. Death just makes Love raw, but this is the same kind of Love I had for Amanda Morales, mi abuelita…
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