David Trigueros

Tough Day

Mother's Day without my second mother abuelita Amanda, tough day. Lots of great things today nonetheless, celebrating Rachelle who is an awesome woman and mother. Still, my stomach is upside down and I feel emotionally spent. Lord, you are my…
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Tough Day

Mother's Day without my second mother abuelita Amanda, tough day. Lots of great things today nonetheless, celebrating Rachelle who is an awesome woman and mother. Still, my stomach is upside down and I feel emotionally spent. Lord, you are my…
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843 Raymond Ave, LB

Welcome back.Today was what I was hoping for on my week off. I cried (yes, again), I remembered, I wrote the seed thoughts of a great song, I spent time at the ocean (Huntington Beach is amazing), saw a movie,"The…
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843 Raymond Ave, LB

Welcome back.Today was what I was hoping for on my week off. I cried (yes, again), I remembered, I wrote the seed thoughts of a great song, I spent time at the ocean (Huntington Beach is amazing), saw a movie,"The…
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