Warning! Buried Grief
Sometimes my grief works seems annoying to others, “get over it”, “she’s in a better place”, “there is joy in the Lord”, kind of thing.
I understand, but if you’ve lost anything in life, you know the value of working through the ‘dark night of the soul’ to get to the other side. You can’t get stuck here, you have to move through it. And then on the other hand, if you’ve lost something and you didn’t work through it…
Preach it Hybels!
Citation: Bill Hybels, “A Better Kind of Grieving,” Preaching Today, Tape No. 108.
“Fifty years ago industrialists thought they could just bury toxic waste and it would go away. We have since learned it doesn’t just go away. It makes trouble. It leaks into the water table, contaminates crops, and kills animals.
Buried grief does the same thing. Raw time doesn’t heal a thing. Buried pain leaks into our emotional system and wreaks havoc there. It distorts our perceptions of life, and it taints our relationships. That contamination happens subconsciously.”