Blog Posts

I am a Great Dad

Not that I don’t have ‘bad dad days’, but I make an effort to be a great father to our three little ones (6, 3.5 and 1.5).

How to be a good father? Love the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor (and children) as yourself. And act, do something with them.

Actions of a Great Father: (or ‘papi’ as our children call me, I love that)

1. Father – Daughter Dance. I am not a father-daughter Village people YMCA dancing kind of guy, but I went 2-3 weeks ago and she had a great time. A lot of ther great dads were also in the room.

2. Date with Isabela. Thursday for lunch Isabela and I went to Burger King, got the chicken strips and of course the toy and then played in the kid playing area for 30-40mns while I watched, responded to her ‘look at mi papi’ (10-20 times), and engaged our girl for the whole time we were together. She felt me near her, she got it.

3. Tuesday nights I’m on. I take care of the little ones while Rachelle has the night off. Bathing, dinner, pijama’s, milk, reading stories, tuckin in, singing.

Gotta go, they just got home, gotta go be a great father. Rachelle said there were many breakdowns while they were gone. Here we go…