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My Birthday and I Cried and Smiled

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Today is my birthday, I cried a lot, I smiled a lot. I turned 36, GenX comes of age. Wow. So this is what we did with our lives. Not bad, I like most of what I’ve done so far, still hoping to do a lot more.

What made me cry? Many things, abuelita of course, my wife’s love. I got home tonight and she had left me another (2nd) birthday card on the kitchen counter. The minute I saw it I was gone. Also thinking how my abuelita would often get me clothes for my birthday. You know how grandmothers are practical and she knew what I needed. Pants, shirts, short, kakhis, all stuff I never ‘wanted’ but was the stuff I ended up wearing to church and dates with my wife.

What made me smile? Isabela (our 3 year old) blowing out the candles before I ever got to them. Her saying all day, “it’s papi’s birthday today…” A card my Bible study gave me, oh and them singing Happy Birthday when I walked in (they are all artists so it sounded really good!).

Fun day.