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Welcome to My Blog-Goals for Spring 2005

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Hello friends, especially if you’re here for the first time, welcome.

The theme verse for this blog is Psalm 27: 13
“I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the LORD ; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD .”

My Goals for Spring 2005:
1. Use more Scripture during worship. The power of the Word as we gather in worship is way underrated by most worship leaders. Open your eyes, put down the guitar and read us the Scriptures!

2. Grow in muscle density.
I’m stepping it up a notch in my workout schedule. My usual routine is 4x weight training, 2x treadmill, and abs every day. I’m going to try 5x weight training, 3x treadmill, and abs every day.

But the main change will be what I actually do each day and how. I need to diversify my workout regimen. My body has adapted to my current schedule. I need to break down the muscle tissue so it can restore and grow. I am also going to push myself to failure in each set. Instead of doing 15-12-10-6 next…I will do each set until failure, and look for that PUMP Arnold talked about way back when…

3. Spend More Alone Time Creating. Writing songs, scripts for short-movies, worship videos, reading more Scripture, praying, meditating, thinking. You can watch all the Highway videos you want, but it’s the Word and Spirit, and a blank sheet of paper that’s going to create the best films and move people the most. Concepts come from Truth, and Truth through human Frailty and Emotion. It’s not about purchasing the latest iWorship DVD. It’s about meditation, prayer, Truth, devotion, tears, life, and then focusing your mind on finishing the concept. And then going to work, changing diapers, sitting in traffic and doing your job well. Then, sitting down with an Artistic Catalyst Artisan, Visionary, Missionary group and letting them do what they do. We need each other. Which leads me to #4.

4. Gather an Artistic Catalyst Artisan, Visionary, Missionary group to do#3 together and actually DO something with it in the Fall, in our worship services, etc.

5. Love my wife, serve her. Her love language is “Acts of Service” in other words, get up and DO something around here! I do, I do. Now I now what that means.

6. I need $3500.00 by July to go to Russia with SOAR International. I’ve got a long way to go. I need to do follow up phone calls on the letters I sent out, talk to people and let the need be known so that God can move hearts and support our team.