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Overwhelming Yet Controlled Sound

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I’m not the world’s biggest U2 fan. Coldplay has stolen my heart. But Rudy just got back from last night’s concert at the Anaheim Pond. Read his post here. And read the U2 news article – from @U2.

As a musician, I like this paragraph. It’s every band’s dream:

Let me say this: No major-scale band, save for Pearl Jam and maybe Radiohead or Coldplay on particularly boisterous nights, plays with as much vigor and fervency, and none (including those) can leave its minions so inspired.

And what power from so few instruments! So overwhelming yet controlled is the Edge’s singular, chiming sound, so tense and insistent are Clayton and Mullen’s rhythms, that the minor flubs each man inevitably makes get amplified a thousand-fold.

That’s awesome.