Become a Problem Solver
Today, I’m listening to a CD (on the iPod) by Phil Cooke, Hollywood producer/director, on “Networking and Problem Solving”, a talk he did at Biola University.
On Problem Solving:
1. The Problem you solve, Provides the $ for Your Life. You’re trading your problem solving skills for a salary.
2. The Problem that infuriates you the most is probably the problem you were born to solve. Ask yourself, “what drives me nuts?” “what do I really hate?” Chances are that’s the problem you were born to solve.
We are no bigger than the size of the things that annoy us. If you are bothered by petty-little things, you may be a petty little person. Ouch! Start worrying about bigger problems.
3. The Problem you solve, determines your salary. I pay my housekeeper one thing, I pay my attorney a lot more. I pay them for the size of the problems they solve. Solve problems and people will pay you for it. You solve a $150,000 problem they will pay appropriately.
4. Everyone has a Problem they need solving. Learn to solve people’s problems and it will make a huge difference in your life.
5. When you solve Problems don’t expect $ Rewards. Networking is about connecting people, it will come back to you.
On Networking:
1. Don’t Ask for a Job, Ask for Advice. “I wonder if I can get your opinion on becoming a….can you give me some advice.” And then ask, “who else do you recommend to help me with this?” And often it will gravitate towards the job you’re looking for.
2. Show Up in the Right Places. Invest in going to the right conferences, seminars, etc. Go to the top things in your industry.
3. Invest in yourself. Stop waiting for your company to pay your way to seminars. Invest in yourself. And do your homework before you go.
4. Create a Log Line for Your Life. A one line trailer for your life, your dream, your vision, have it ready, not canned, but short and sweet. The higher you go in meetings, the less time people have. “Life is a Pitch and then You Die.” Book. Be short, sweet and to the point.
Making People Successful:
1. Don’t Keep a balance sheet. You may connect people, but they may leave you out in the cold. Let it go. Move on. Otherwise, you will be known as the complaining type.
2. Become a Person Who Makes Things Happen. Don’t drop the ball, don’t miss the deadline, don’t show up late. Solve problems and you will become a magnet for people.
3. Give People Hope. Motivate them. Everyone needs hope. You will be their friend for the rest of their lives. It’s all about hope. Learn to motivate people.
4. Be a Good communicator. Learn to write well, how good is your handwriting? Learn to communicate. Nobody wants to network with those who can’t talk. Be direct and to the point. Be discerning with those who like to ‘visit.’
5. Become an Expert. Find an area where you can be the very best there ever was. Write an article in your trade magazine, “Guitar Magazine,” “Florist Magazine,” etc. They will put your picture and name at the bottom and people will think you’re an expert. Speak at a conference, do a workshop, for free, start small. Develop a reputation of being an expert in a certain area.
6. Build a Network of Relationships. “I’d like to get to know you, can I take you out to lunch.”
David’s Thoughts: Wow, great stuff. When I first heard the tape I thought, fake, dishonest. Oh, how wretched my flesh is, for how often do I think these thoughts on my own and try to mask them for the name of being in ministry, a pastor, humble, etc. But these are life truth principles. Take what you can, learn from the best and be the best in the Kingdom.