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What’s the Future of the Arts in the Church?

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From an email I sent to a friend asking some great worship questions:

What is the biggest challenge between a pastor and worship leader?
Currently, bringing Arts Transformation to the forefront of the Arts at Bethany. To go beyond Excellence and Relevance to Community/Creativity/Character and Commission.

What have you seen to be the biggest change in the role of the “worship” pastor in the last ten years?
I am a pastor to the whole church, not just to the Arts, and not just to one style of worship, but to all styles, contemporary, postmodern, traditional, etc. The role of the WL is changing from being the ‘chief dreamer’ to creating and ‘atmosphere’ or ethos for others to dream, the ‘provoker of dreams’. Also, WL’s are becoming pastors to the whole person, preaching, counseling, leading missions trips, training leaders, and doing ministry together. We also should pursue a full musical and theological education by getting a Masters in Music or a Masters in Theology. WL’s also should pursue the writing of theologically accurate new songs of diverse musical genres.

What are some of the things that make this relationship unique?
WL’s are artists, independent, creative. Our pastor is not an artist, is afraid of change (by his own admission), and is more conservative. But he is willing to learn, to worship, willing to learn more about Artist Transformation, etc. I also have to be able to communicate our vision clearly, with consideration to the overall vision of the church, and in a way that will ‘work for him’.

How does this relationship impact the rest of the team?
I have to protect our senior pastor, love him, serve him, honor him in front of other Artists. They cannot see our inner conflicts or things we’re working out. I can be honest about my desire to create and his conservative nature, but otherwise, I am of one heart and mind with our pastor.

What’s your opinion on the pastor being the lead worshipper?
The spirit of the pastor should be of a lead worshipper. A pastor who worships His creator with his community is very important. As far as him writing songs, or painting that’s according to individual talents and gifts. I do think that today, leaders lead my example. So if you want a ‘worshipping’ church, start by worshipping yourself.

The story of David and Saul. What are your thoughts? (Envy, Jealousy, Etc.) How does envy and jealousy impact the relationship between worship leader and pastor?
If the WL wants to preach, and the preacher wants to WL there is a problem. If so, and if the WL is gifted to preach, lead, then he may need to plant a church. If not, his or her influence should be focused on leading and serving his or her Artists.

How can a pastor support the ministry of his worship leader?
For us, it’s about relationship and communication. We pray together every Sundays, he ‘talked up’ our last “Heart of the Artist” getaway. I am also working on laying out a 3 year plan for the Arts in areas of missions, equipping, home Bible studies, and Artist Transformation. The WL should communicate his vision often (every 6 months) and clearly to the lead pastor. They can’t read our minds.

What is your opinion on pastor led churches vs. team led churches?
The future is of pastors as cultural architects (Erwin McManus’ term), pastors who create a ‘vision environment’. We are moving away from Easter-in-a-box, Christmas-push-and-play environments, and towards original expressions of the Spirit, perhaps borrowing from other churches and re-designing. The WL has to be an encourager of dreams, but must also keep the vision of the Church at the front of the Artist. Lastly, I believe Artist Transformation is an area of much need. In 2005 we are developing Artist Communities, or small groups, Artist Retreats, Missions trips and dinners to encourage relationship, spiritual growth and accountability amongst our Artists. Please pray for us in this.

What can we do to celebrate the song of others?
Write better songs, write songs of different styles (Gospel, R&B), write theologically accurate songs, write songs of Missions, more WE songs, and record, record, record.

We also need to develop a new vision for the Technical Arts area, to move towards Spirit led tech artists, who can develop a team technically but can also help them grow in character, community and creativity. Churches would be wise to move towards having a Pastor of Tech Arts. This could be as a lay-leader or as a pastor in training.

One last thing, we also need to make room in the Church for Artists who are called to Hollywood, to the bar, to Disney and to prepare them both in the Music Business as well as in their faith.