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DavidT’s Fitness Guide

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People sometimes ask me: “How did you lose weight?”, “How did you get in shape?”. So I developed a Fitness Guide with before and after pictures. It’s for both Advanced and Beginning Levels and includes:

1. Before and After Pictures
2. Budget
3. Eating Plan
4. Workout Plan
5. Finding a Partner
6. Motivation and Obstacles
7. My Story

Anyone find it useful or thinking of using it?

David Trigueros’ Fitness Guide – 2005

People ask me, ‘how did you do it?’ or
“what did you do to get in shape?”

Here’s what I’m doing…

– From Nov 2003 to Sept 2004 I did the Beginning Level
– From Sep 2004 to Current, I’m doing the Advance Level

My Results
Lost 40lbs in 12 months (about 3lbs a month)
From 225lb to 185lbs in 12 months
From Size 39 to size 33
Los 20 lbs in first 12 weeks
Lowered BP, Cholesterol levels
Lower anxiety levels, lower stress levels, less visits to chiropractor
More energy during the day (afternoons)
Less tired
Better sleep at night
Higher muscle tone in arms, legs, shoulders, back, tighter abs, flat stomach

I exercise for the joy of it, for my family, children, my wife, for strength for ministry long term, stress release. It is my hobby. I don’t worship my body, my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and so I take care of it. There’s more to life than exercise, but I want to get the most out of this life.
I am still going strong (a year and a half later, it’s a life-long commitment for me)
There have been down times – injuries, personal issues, holidays. But the key is consistency and sticking to a program.

Advanced Level, On-going

Arnold Swarzennegger’s Body Building Basic Training
M – Chest/Back/abs
T – Arms/shoulders/abs
W – Legs/lower back/abs
Th – Treadmill/abs
F – Chest/Back/abs
S – Treadmill/abs
Sun – Rest

Eating Plan – 6 meals a day, small portions, equal carbs, protein
8am, Breakfast – Oatmeal, fruit, water
10am, Power bar, string cheese, yogurt, apple, water
12n, Tuna sandwich, low fat chips, string cheese, apple, water
3pm, Protein drink
6pm, Dinner, Rice, veggies, chicken, water
9pm, P&J sandwich or Cheerios, protein drink
Thursday night – Free

Beginning Plan, 12 weeks

Eating Plan, Monday-Saturday
8am, Breakfast – Oatmeal, fruit, water
10am, Power bar, string cheese, yogurt, apple, water
12n, Tuna sandwich, low fat chips, string cheese, apple, water
3pm, Protein drink
6pm, Dinner, Rice, veggies, chicken, water
9pm, P&J sandwich or Cheerios, protein drink
Sunday – Free day

Exercise, 6 days a week
M – Upperbody, 45 mns.
T – Treadmill, 20 mns.
W – Lower body, 45 mns.
Th – Treadmill, 20 mns.
F – Upperbody, 45mns.
Sat – Treadmill
Sunday – Free day

How do I get started? Start by writing out your Values…Why do you want to get in shape? What are the obstacles to getting in shape, what foods are the hardest to give up?

1. Goals
2. Motivation
3. Obstacles
4. Find a Partner
5. Commit for 12 weeks, it will become a habit

1. – Body for Life
2. Eating for Life –
3. Body for Life Book by Bob Phillips –
4. Budget
5. Grocery shopping
6. Eating out
7. Gym, home gym
8. Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Body Building –

What to do after the 12 weeks
1. Do another 12 weeks
2. Adjust workout to fit your health needs and goals
3. Develop a lifetime habit of fitness and healthy eating

Budget, avg.
Protein Drinks – $40.00/mo
Protein Bars – $50.00/mo
Gym – $30.00/mo or home gym
Grocery shopping – varied
Rewards – priceless!

Before and After Shots: Will post later.