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My Sister’s Wisdom Fills my Soul

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Spoken like a woman filled with the Spirit and wisdom. Pain, life gives her such knowledge. This fills my soul. It’s exactly how I feel:

“I know, and I`ll keep praying for you, I love you, I remember the feeling of loosing the center of your own life… it hurts so bad, you feel so little and alone and everywhere you look there`s a memory of that person, even in the air, when you smile, when you cry, in a song, in a movie. Amanda and I still cry over the song”Jehova Señor de los cielos” from Fernando Ortega remembering one x-mas when dad first heard that song he said: “Wow what an awesome song it is beautiful…” and him laying on our sofa singing it and enjoying it!

Harder days are still to come but have faith He who knows every emotion will be your strenght and He will confort you… I love you!
