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Meds Still in Her

Tonight, the sedation in her body is still not leaving her. They want to bring her sedation levels down to 10 or 15. They’re at 30. It seems her body is not processing the meds out. Her liver/kidneys may be bad. They’ve been okay so far. So they’re not taking the ventilator off tonight. Tomorrow, we will talk to Dr. Chappel (her main surgeon), about what this means.

We are talking about services, moving her possibly to Nicaragua for burial, etc. All the hard stuff….wow, I’m weary. I can’t imagine I’m here, but God is with me. I feel his strength through all your prayers. Thank you.

Our family is helping with the details, finances, processing. Elaine, a friend of the family who is a national award winning hospice nurse, has been amazing with her advice on the process of dying and the medical system. It’s so painful to write about this. I’m so tired.

Pray for a miracle, pray the medication goes out of her, pray for God’s will. Pray for my mom, she’s weary tonight.