Every day I meet people who love each other but struggle to grow in their relationships.
I was there for many years, working hard but frustrated, not knowing what to do with all the people in my life.
For the last 25 years I’ve been committed to my wife, growing in love, communication, as well as learning to love people different than me politically, culturally, backgrounds, etc. So now we want to help YOU come together with people you love.
What is the Relationship Program all about?
The Program is LIVE one-on-one sessions (via phone, Messenger, Skype, Zoom), where I will help you build your relationships.
Who is this for?
This is for anyone who wants to dream big and build a life with people you love.
Who is this NOT for?
If you don’t want to grow in your relationships, this is not for you.
50 minutes/sessions
Via phone, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Zoom
Pay month to month.
Start your dream life today!
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