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#167 Four Strategies to Improve Your Relationships in 2017

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Welcome to this new segment called “Never Quit” a podcast dedicated to those who will never quit in three areas:

  1. Mental Health
  2. Leadership and creative pursuits
  3. Relationships and love

In this episode of Never Quit I talk about how to improve your relationships whether as a married couple, in dating or when raising children.
Ever hear couples say – we never fight, I always worry when they say that. On the other hand, ever hear couples yell in public? In this episode I talk about four strategies that will help you grow in trust and love.
This new podcast has come from a desire to address three needs I see everywhere, they are:

  1. Engagement and community
  2. Vulnerability and Trust
  3. Dream together

So if you connect to these values this podcast is for  you, but if you’re looking for perfection or hiding from others, I invite you to stick around but this podcast may not be for you.
Thanks so much for listening, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to this podcast by going to
Have a great rest of this day,
Your #GOZO! friend,
GOZO means JOY in Spanish – Psalm 30:6