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Never, Ever, Underestimate the Power of Listening to the Spirit's Voice

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This is part-1 of an exerpt from my book “Every Day Grace: From Anxious Freak to Fearless Lover”. by david Trig


Some call it intuition, others listening to your heart, your inner voice or gut, it might be a combination of them all but without a doubt the Spirit leads us.  

Last week, I had every reason not to play my Sunday worship gig. I was on 4 hours of sleep from the gig the night before, I didn’t have a guitar to play, I didn’t know the songs, the church was about 40mns from where I was staying. On top of that, the band leader had texted me the day before wondering if perhaps I should play somewhere else because I didn’t know the songs. What?

I woke up at 4am and thought, “I’ll just text him and tell him I have a cold”. But the Spirit said, “Nope”.

Then I woke up again at 5am and thought “OK, I have no guitar, I’m tired, I’ll text the guys and tell them I have a cold”. Again, “Nope”.

I woke up again at 6:30am, I was supposed to be there at 7am and it was going to take me 40mns to get there. I thought “Ok, I’ll tell him the truth, I don’t have a guitar!” I recommended a few things, but nothing, it felt like it just wasn’t going to work out.

So what did God say? “Get in the car and start driving” What? 

Part 2 – here

Thanks for being here,
