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These days it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, like you’re not doing enough. Christmas shopping, projects, holiday parties, just the day to day stuff, it all can seem overwhelming. I’m feeling it.

But this morning when I saw the new sod on our backyard, the two simple palm trees, the new fence, the red mahogany stain, I felt good. Our backyard used to be a mess, old trees, dying grass, no sprinklers, old design. But with a little bit of work, a small investment and a little bit of patience, the backyard is looking great. I feel accomplished.

Feeling overwhelmed? Like the list just keeps getting longer and longer? Look back, remember the past, think back on the great things you’ve done this year, maybe even last week and enjoy, let it give you a sense of accomplishment.

Tomorrow will have enough worries of it’s own (and more Christmas shopping), today, don’t fret, sit back and enjoy the fruit of your labor.