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The Process of Leadership

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Welcome back. You belong here.

One of the big themes in my life lately has been leading well for the second half of my life. This last week, four pastors from our staff spent time at the Mt. Calvary Anglican monastery in Santa Barbara for prayer, lectio divina and meditation while in community. It was refreshing.

As we spoke and prayed, I was able to verbalize what I believe God has been doing my life lately as I move towards a better definition of my gifts and talents and focusing those things for the Kingdom. I explained to them the process I’m going through of saying no to things I don’t do very well and saying yes to the things I do very well.

It all came down to two big areas, transformational worship arts and missional relationships in the city. In some ways it’s nothing new, but it does eliminate wanting to be many things and many people that I’m not.

Next time, I will talk more about those two things and the refining process of getting here. It’s been humbling and at times very tough. I’ve had to surrender a lot in the last few weeks, but in return God has provided a renewal in the vision for my life.

Into the future,
